Jonathan Green Black Beauty® Lawn Repair for Sun & Shade Areas is your all-in-one bare spot patching solution. This mixture repairs stubborn bare spots quickly and seamlessly blends into existing lawns.
This mix contains 20% more grass seed and covers more bare spots than any other lawn patching mixture on the market. The seed establishment mulch in this product keeps the seedbed moist which ensures complete grass seed germination. The mulch will degrade into the soil within one month. The grass seed in Black Beauty® Lawn Repair germinates in 10 – 14 days.
- Quickly patch and repair stubborn bare spots
- All-in-one solution containing Black Beauty® grass seed, lawn food & seed establishment mulch
- Keeps seedbed moist while concealing seed from birds
- Low maintenance - the mulch is absorbed by the soil
4.5 lb Bag
- Covers up to 100 sq. ft.
13.5 lb Bag
- Covers up to 300 sq. ft.
Grass Type: Tall Fescue, Perennial Rye, & Kentucky Bluegrass
Grass Color: Dark green
Recommended Planting Months: For cool-season grasses
- Mid-August through mid-October
- Mid-March through mid-May
Sun Tolerance: Excellent
Shade Tolerance: Good
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial shade (4 – 8 hours of sun)
Drought Tolerance: Excellent
Insect & Disease Resistance: Good
High Traffic Tolerance: Good
Planting Depth: ¼ inches
Germination Time: 10 – 14 days