Økologisk flydende sæbe med lanolin til uld og silke. Sæben er produceret i Tyskland uden unødig kemi og med respekt for miljøet. Lanolinindholdet hjælper med at opretholde uldfibrenes naturlige fedtstof samt holde det rent og fri for bakterier.
Uldvask kræver kun en lille mængde sæbe - følg vaskeanvisningen på flasken og følg altid vaskeanvisningen for det garn du har strikket i. Følgende skal ses som en generel vejledning.
Vejledning til håndvask:
- Fyld en balje med ca 20 grader varmt vand og lidt uldsæbe (ca. 1 spsk til 5 liter vand).
- Lad strikken ligge i vandet i 15 minutter - eller den tid det tager dig at drikke en kop kaffe. Gnid eller skrub ikke, men lad blot strikken ligge i vandet.
- Skyl sæben ud af strikken.
- Centrifugér strikken i vaskemaskinen (ved 800-1200 omdrejninger), så vandet slynges ud. Vigtigt! Test altid på en prøvelap først. Hvis du ikke har en vaskemaskine, rulles strikken i et håndklæde, så vandet presses ud.
- Læg strikken fladt på et håndklæde. Ret pasformen til, så den har de rigtige mål (som angivet i opskriften).
- Lad tørre.
500 ml
Bemærk: Produktet sælges i pakker af 4 stk.
Organic liquid soap with lanolin for wool & silk. The soap is natural and produced in Germany with respect for the environment. The content of the lanolin helps maintaining the natural grease of the wool fiber as well as keeping it clean and free of bacterias.
Washing your knit requires only a small dose of soap - kindly follow the washing instructions listed on the bottle, and always follow the washing instructions of the yarn you have knitted in. The following should be seen as a general guide.
Instructions for washing by hand:
- Fill a tub with approx. 20° C hot water and some wool soap (approx. 1 tbsp for 5 liters of water).
- Let the knitwear soak in the water for 15 minutes – or the time it takes you to have a cup of coffee. Do not rub the knitwear.
- Rinse the soap from the knitwear.
- Centrifuge the knitwear in the washing machine (at 800-1200 revolutions), so the water is flung from the knitwear. Note! Always test your washing machine with a swatch. If you do not have a washing machine, roll the knitwear in a towel to press the water out.
- Lay the knitwear flat on a towel. Adjust the knit to the right measures (as stated in the pattern).
- Leave to dry.
500 ml
Note: This products is sold in packs of 4 pcs.
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Application: 20 ml per 2.5 kg dry wash for all levels of water hardness.
Follow manufacturer‘s washing instructions. Store product in a cool and dry place. Protect product from sun exposure.
Ingredients in according to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004:5 % - < 15 % non-ionic tensides*, < 5 % anionic tensides*, benzyl alcohol, lactic acid. *tensides of plant origin. Aqua, polyglyceryl-10 laurate, lauryl glucoside, sodium coco sulfate, lactic acid, sodium chloride, benzyl alcohol, lanolin
Produced in Germany
Distributed by PetiteKnit // Møllehatten 21, 2.1 // 8240 Risskov // Denmark // CVR: 36335955 // +45 42707217 // ${email} // www.petiteknit.com
Safety Data Sheets in Danish, English, and German can be found .