-Anti-slip claw protection raincoat FOR dogsFerry-Morse Jiffy Seed Starting Greenhouse Kit with 50 Biodegradable Peat Strip Cells

Title 50 Cell

Peat strips are easy to tear apart when moistened so you can transplant each seedling individually. Sowing medium and seeds are not included.


  • one (1) watertight base tray
  • one (1) clear humidity dome
  • celled peat strips (50 total) for easy transplanting

How to Use:

  1. Prepare Strips: Fill peat pots in the base tray with your sowing medium (not included). We suggest using Premium Seed Starting Jiffy-Mix. Water thoroughly - enough to saturate walls of strips.
  2. Add Seeds: Seeds are not included. Sow your seeds according to the instructions on your seed packet. Place humidity dome.
  3. Germination: Once seeds have germinated, prop dome lid open. When seedlings grow true leaves remove lid completely and place in sunny location.

Added bonus: this greenhouse comes with a sample of plant vitamin SUPERthrive.